Our Philosophy

About Pupuke Early Education Centre

Our Philosophy

Here, at Pupuke Early Education Centre, we are a friendly, professional team of kaiako and management. We are a whānau oriented centre; inspired by the ideals of the Virtues Project that we maintain in our every day practice. We provide an environment that is based on team work, fun, respect, aroha, resilience and kindness.

We strive to ensure that our tamariki and their whānau feel safe and welcome in a trusting environment. Our NZ National Curriculum “Te Whāriki” (Te Ara Whānui) guides us to support and teach our tamariki. Learning is fostered through open-ended play and this leads to exploration, experimenting, discovering and solving problems.

Our ongoing respect for te Tiriti O Waitangi and the cultural diversity within our community is evident in our centre’s approach to learning. “Kotahi te kākano he nui ngā hua o te rākau – a tree comes from one seed but bears many fruit”.

We value confidence, curiosity, kindness, independence, empathy and respect for all cultures and living things. When the tamariki leave our Centre we want them to display a positive attitude towards learning, a thirst for knowledge and be happy and confident.

Our Mission Statement

To provide a place where children can enjoy a happy, secure environment where they can achieve a sense of belonging and develop their confidence and independence.

Our Vision

We see a place where our teachers and families/whānau work together to provide our tamariki with an experience that is both respectful and full of laughter and play. We will teach children to be resilient and courageous and prepare them to be virtuous, contributing members of society. We value the contribution of our community and both teaching and non-teaching kaiako employed here who give our centre a wonderful multicultural diversity. We accept and work to understand the differing values of other cultures within the centre. We will provide an environment where children are nurtured to develop an insatiable thirst for learning and have the freedom to express themselves and learn through their play.
Our programme is based on the principles of:
And the learning strands of:

Visit Us

Come And Be A Part Of
Our Early Education Centre

Our Location


20 Lake Pupuke Dr,
Auckland 0622


Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

Full day – 7:30am-5:30pm

Part day – 8:30am-3:30pm
Free morning session

(Limited Spaces Available)

Free afternoon session

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